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Staff introduction


  • What is "MASCOT"?

    In French, it has the meaning of "thing to keep close and cherish as a lucky charm".
    I hope that this trip will allow me to become your "MASCOT"...
    I will do my best to help you with your trip.
    Please relax and enjoy yourself in nature.

Staff list

  • tsuyoshi
    1966 Born in Hiroshima Prefecture,Raised Hachioji City, Tokyo Metropolis.

    baseball,Watching baseball.
    Baseball club.
    Has participated Koshien! ((stand cheer)
    There are many wonderful grounds in Tsumagoi Village.
    Would you like to play catch together?
  • mikiko
    Born 1973 in Aomori Prefecture,Raised Fuchu City, Tokyo Metropolis.

    Brass band club,In charge of the flute.
    I want to hold a concert in my garden someday.
    Recruiting members!?